
Key concepts

1. Think in 3D!

Unlike common presentation editors, Briow™ extensively uses 3D. It means that you have to think in a tridimentional world.

In a flat 2D world, an image has a width and a height and is traditionnaly positionned on the screen at x pixels from the left side of the screen and y pixels from the top. In Briow™, a 3D Image not only has a width and a height, but it also has a depth. Its center of mass is positionned along 3 axis (x, y and z). The 3D Image can also be rotated around the same 3 axis.

Screenshot of a traditionnal element in a 2D presentation
a 3D Image

2. Resources

You will need multimedia elements - such as images, SVG files, videos or 3D files - to decorate your Présentation. Those files are called Resources.

Resources are uploaded from the "resources" tab of the editor.

The resources tab

The following file formats are accepted

File extension Description
.jpg JPEG images
.png PNG images
.svg Scalable Vector Graphics files
.mp4 MP4 videos
.glb GLB files (soon)

3. 3D Objects

Briow™ allows to manipulate different types of objects in a Présentation.

3D Images

A 3D Image features an image on its front face and a unified color on the other 5 faces.


A Block features an image per face, like a die would typically do.

3D Videos

A 3D Video features a video on its front face and a unified color on the other 5 faces.


A Sphere features an image on its entire surface.

3D Text

A 3D Text is a colored text that can be extruded.

SVG Extrusion

A SVG Extrusion uses a SVG file to create surfaces that are then extruded. Original SVG file colors are processed.

GLB file

A GLB file is a binary 3D file that can be imported on the scene.

4. Instances

Each 3D Object is instanciated at least once into the 3D scene. When there is a need to have multiple copies of the same 3D Object on screen, new Instances of that object are created.

Each Instance has its own properties (name, position, rotation, scale). When the parent 3D Object is modified, all instances are updated accordingly but remain in place and at scale.

6 Instances of the same 3D Image.