Key concepts
Unlike common presentation editors, Briow™ extensively uses 3D. It means that you have to think in a tridimentional world.
In a flat 2D world, an image has a width and a height and is traditionnaly positionned on the screen at x pixels from the left side of the screen and y pixels from the top.
In Briow™, a 3D Image
3D Image
can also be rotated around the same 3 axis.
You will need multimedia elements - such as images, SVG files, videos or 3D files - to decorate your Présentation
Resources are uploaded from the "resources" tab of the editor.
The following file formats are accepted
File extension | Description |
.jpg | JPEG images |
.png | PNG images |
.svg | Scalable Vector Graphics files |
.mp4 | MP4 videos |
.glb | GLB files (soon) |
Briow™ allows to manipulate different types of objects in a Présentation
A 3D Image
features an image on its front face and a unified color on the other 5 faces.
A Block
features an image per face, like a die would typically do.
A 3D Video
features a video on its front face and a unified color on the other 5 faces.
A Sphere
features an image on its entire surface.
A 3D Text
is a colored text that can be extruded.
A SVG Extrusion
uses a SVG file to create surfaces that are then extruded. Original SVG file colors are processed.
A GLB file
is a binary 3D file that can be imported on the scene.
Each 3D Object
3D Object
on screen, new Instances
of that object are created.
Each Instance
3D Object